Kirsten Kötter arbeitet multimedial: mit Videos, Installationen, Objekten, Aktionen. Ihre Malerei umfasst Aquarell und Öl. Die abstrakten "Aquarell-Protokolle", das "Site-specific research" sind das "Herz" ihrer künstlerischen Arbeit und Teil von Projekten, Installationen und Videos.

Protocol pages

Project titles
- Protocols, –
- Mushroom Net Chemnitz /
Pilznetz Chemnitz,
- Sound,
- Malathon,
- Climate Protocols / Klima-Protokolle,
- Community Center / Nachbarschaftshaus,
- Mushroom Net Neukölln / Pilznetz Neukölln,
- 208 shops since Amazon, Google & Corona / 208 Läden seit Amazon, Google & Corona, –
- Artistic research Bundestag,
- Why are Apple and ...? / Warum sind Amazon und...?,
- Artistic research Landtag,
- Artistic research Digitalstadt Darmstadt,
- Artistic research re:publica 18,
- Site-specific research: Şehitlik Mosque, Berlin, –
- Site-specific research Nature: Kevo Subarctic Research Institute, Finland –
- Artistic research documenta –
- Site-specific research Słońsk, Poland –
- Site-specific research Pietrapaola, Italy –
- Site-specific research: Painting LAGeSo Berlin, –
- Rezensionen, –
- Salzburger Kunstgespräch, Austria,
- Site-specific research Frankfurt,
- Jugendherberge Veckerhagen, –
- Irische Aquarelle,
- Projects (old pages), –

Video titels (site-specific)
- Nature ...
- Why are Apple ...? / Warum sind Amazon ...,
- 208 shops since Amazon & Google,
- Site specific artistic research Şehitlik Mosque,
- Site specific artistic research LAGeSo,
- Site specific artistic research Słońsk,
- Site specific artistic research Kevo,
- da Pietrapaola marina a Pietrapaola paese,
- Jugendherberge Veckerhagen,
- Engelsruh,
- Videos aus Finnland,

Titles of works of art: Installations with Paintings
- Wetter-Protokolle, Sound-Protokolle in Haus 104,
- Why are Apple ...?
- Artistic research Digitalstadt Darmstadt,
- Site-specific Research,
- Site-specific Research,
- Site-specific Research –,
- Site-specific Research,
- Site-specific Painting Şehitlik Moschee,
- Monochrome,
- Interventio Pasilassa,
- Transit,
- Kunst als Architektur einer freien Gesellschaft,
- Accrochage. Installation with paintings,
- The Abstract Norway,
- Light and Textiles, –
- 'Le voyage à Tunis n'a jamais eu lieu.',
- Konstruieren und konstruieren,
Titles of works of art: Installations
- Asyl Admin LAGeSo ,
- We are the World,
- 'Ich rette die Welt mit Salat, Leonce',
- Orgaisches Archiv
- Global Origin,
- Immaterielles Design,
- Tarnnetz,
- Wer war Jörg M.?,
- Tsing Tang,
- Wohnmaschine,
- Immaterielles Design,
- Brunnen,
- Deutscher Wald für Istanbul,
- Autokino,
- Immaterielles Design, /
- Vom Kreislauf des Geldes,

Titles of water colours (projects)
- Why are Apple ...? – Water Colours,
- Şehitlik Mosque Pictures (water colours, sketches, photos), Berlin –
- Słońsk Pictures (water colours, sketches), Poland –
- Kevo Watercolours, Finland , –
- LAGeSo (water colours, digital montages, sketches), Berlin
- Irische Aquarelle, Ireland

Categories of paintings


Mixed Media

Titles of works of art
- 13 figures Why are Apple ...? Warum sind Amazon ...?,
- Weltkarte,
- Malerei auf Stoff, –
- Licht- und Textilobjekte, –
- Schüsseln,
- T-Shirt Second Hand
- Opak,
- Tektonik,
- Grab des Rentierbesitzers (Fluss),
- Tische nach Popowa,
- Drei Wächter,
- 'Als Louise Bourgeois ihren Turnbeutel vergaß',
- Waldfluss,
- Tarnnetz
- Liebst Du mich?
Kirsten Kötter works multimedia: with videos, installations, objects, actions. Her painting includes watercolour and oil. The abstract "watercolour protocols", the "site-specific research" are the "heart" of her artistic work and part of projects, installations and videos.