Yoga in the Sun

27 °C
22 km/h E
52.4735° N, 13.4370° E
Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
Animation and Sound
27 °C
22 km/h E
52.4735° N, 13.4370° E
Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
Animation and Sound
Warm sun, low –
late autumn.
Warme Sonne, tief –
just before sunset
11 °C
50.23° N, 8.57° E
Garden, Taunus, Germany
Sun disappears
behind hill.
Spring. Cold. Lake.
Alpine newt under
grasses at the
water's edge.
Sonne verschwindet
hinter Hügel.
Frühling. Kälte. See.
unter Gräsern
am Wasser.
13 °C
50.17° N, 8.17° E
Lake, Taunus, Germany
Sea waves,
dark trees,
warm light from low sun.
dunkle Bäume,
warmes Licht
von tiefer Sonne.
8 °C
15 km/h N
60.1944° N, 24.8709° E
Helsinki, Finland
Midnight sun,
water, lake,
golden silence.
Wasser, See,
goldene Stille.
11 °C
69.7578° N, 27.0086° E
Kevo, Utsjoki, Finland
The last colourful light in the sky slowly disappears behind the dark silhouettes of the leafless trees by the lake.
Das letzte farbige Licht am Himmel verschwindet langsam hinter den dunklen Silhouetten der blätterlosen Bäume am See.
2 °C
50.17° N, 8.17° E
Lake, Taunus, Germany
Sun is low over river, almost like summer, close to motorway, a canoeist launches the canoe, paddles off.
Sonne steht tief über Fluss, fast wie im Sommer, nah der Autobahn, eine Kanufahrerin lässt das Kanu zu Wasser, paddelt los.
20 °C
50.8582° N, 9.7033° E
Bad Hersfeld, Germany
Pink sky, sea, bay, green trees,
people at the playground in Helsinki –
at midnight.
Rosa Himmel, rosa Meer, rosa Bucht, grüne Bäume,
Menschen beim Spielplatz in Helsinki –
um Mitternacht.
15 °C
60.182° N, 24.912° E
Helsinki, Finland
Sun, clouds over the sea – sky which Turner liked to paint.
Sonne, Wolken über dem Meer – Himmel, den Turner gerne malte.
14 °C
51.3917° N, 1.3921° E
Margate, England
Sun in the wind and autumn, the meadow in the valley deep below rises up to the very high mountain far away.
Sonne im Wind und Herbst, die Wiese im Tal tief unten steigt an bis zum sehr hohen Berg weit weg.
16 °C
19 km/h S
50.1743° N, 8.3474° E
Oberjosbach / Ehlhalten, Germany
25 °C
52.4744° N, 13.4169° E
Neukölln, Berlin, Germany
Animation and Sound